Much has been written about the esoteric meaning of the brief passage in the Apocalypse relating to the Number of the Beast, 666.
There are
two main avenues of interpretation of Άριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου or Arithmon tou Thēriou, as the term is known in Greek.
interpretation may be called the historical one, the other the mystagogical one
in which the meaning of 666 in the Jewish Kabbalah lays the foundation for
In the following
article I will describe how both of these are insufficient and dysfunctional
methods of interpretation, based on other sources and cultural influences than
the Holy Scripture and on other cultural influences than the Jewish-Christian
cultural sphere.
I will also
demonstrate the obvious, correct and simple method to understand The Book of
Revelation, Chapther 13, verse 16, from the parallels given in other prophetic
books added by ancient Christian tradition to the Biblical canon.
The Limitations of the Historical
historical interpretation takes its point of departure in historical records associating
the number with Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, an emperor
who ruled Rome from 54 AD to 68 AD and caused a great tribulation to the early
Christian community in the empire.
As tempting
as it is to interpret Nero as the character described in Revelation 13:16, Nero
failed to meet the main criteria of the Anti-Christ figure as the seer
envisioned him.
First of
all, Nero did not pass a law to render it impossible for anyone to buy or sell
without “the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
(Rev. 13:17)
Neither did
Nero set himself up to be worshipped as an image with breath, nor did he “fire
to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.”
fulfilment of the Anti-Christ prophesy has taken place, when Adolph Hitler
forced a mark on every Jew in the German nation and her conquered colonies,
first a hexagon star, the ancient Seal of Solomon today known as The Star of
David, and later a tattoo on their arm.
partial fulfilment is the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, literally
making fire fall from the sky, as they also later did by use of napalm in
Vietnam and phosporous in other of her numerous battlefields of the 20th
now many anti-Christs have come", writes the apostle John in the first
letter of John, chapter 2, verse18.
The point
is that every anti-Christ may display some of the traits of the ultimate
anti-Christ, but the global leader described in Revelation 13 summarizes the
feats and crimes of all the previous ones, encompassing all the characteristics
and actions foretold by the seers.
The Limitations of the Mystagogigal
In the
complex math of Kabbalah the number 666 represents the sun. The number is
derived by adding the numbers in the 6x6 magick square.
“This calls
for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for
it is the number of a man. That number is 666”, writes the seer in Revelation
13:18, a verse that has often been taken as a hint to the mystic tradition of Kabbalah.
In Kabbalah
the number 666 is associated with the Sun (Helios), just as every other sacred
number derived from the magic squares are associated with planets.
Revelation anti-Christ is directly associated with the Sun by way of a
descriptive name, Apollyon.
“And they
had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in
the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”
(Rev. 9:11)
Apollyon is
a form of Apollo, the Greek god of the Sun, who governed fine culture and art,
but also took the shape of a tormenter when angered, sending among other things
darts with plague upon those who did not revere him.
It is upon
apocryphal or pagan traditions like these the common mystagogical interpretaters
base their own personal revelations about Anti-Christ.
The first
problem that arises to the believer is that Kabbalah is neither a part of the
Christian canon nor acknowledged by Judaism as a genuine form of Jewish worship.
Kabbalah is
a bastard child of Judaism and paganism, drawing on Egyptian and Babylonian
astrology and numerology to compose an alternative religious language used for
practical magic.
It is, in
other words, a heretical tradition.
666 as a Biblical Reference
It is not entirely
unthinkable that John would use a single reference to this tradition, since the
followers of Kabbalah might be viewed at the time as traitors, collaborators with
the Romans and ultimately a part of the world, rather than “set apart” by holy
As we can
see both the historical and the mystagogical interpretation affords some
insight into the nature of Anti-Christ and the era of oppression he visits upon
the Earth.
It is,
however, highly unlikely an authentic prophet of God would use a Kabbalah
reference as the main avenue of interpretation.
The only
two other references to the number 666 are found in Ezra 2:13, where Adonikam
is listed to have 666 descendants and in 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13,
which both states:
“The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents…”
The sentence
carries and addendum in the following verse:
“…not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.”
First, the
name Adonikam means “The Lord of Enemies”, indicating since Adonikam is one of
the Hebrews who returned to Israel from Babylonian captivity under King Nebuchadnezzar
that the Anti-Christ is of Jewish descendance.
Similarly, Solomon
may have been a Jewish king, but he was a king with no less than 700 wives of
royal birth and 300 concubines, and one that is sorely criticized in the Bible
for allowing the presence of pagan gods in Israel, even participating in
ceremonies of worship himself.
The Biblical Insight Conveyed Through 666
It is no
wonder the identity of Anti-Christ is kept under wraps by the author of
Revelation as well as most interpreters throughout history, who have fancied
Anti-Christ to be an almost endless number of actual historical persons,
including Roman popes.
in today’s society, where Zionism has become protected by law in all of the
Christian world, and where consensus tilts toward unwavering support for
Israel, whether it is among secularists who see it as a truly liberal democracy
in the Middle East and a haven for gay tourists, or it is the nominal
Christians who perceive Israel as a sign from God, a fulfilment of Biblical
prophesies and almost as a source of salvation or condemnation like unto Christ
If you
bless Israel, the doctrine goes, you will be blessed, but if you reject it, you
are under a curse.
following this doctrine, USA has been drawn into numerous of unnecessary wars
and has, as a result thereof, lost its eminence in the world, teetering on the
edge of bankruptcy, harrowed by crime and moral decadence, and with her social
infrastructure in ruins in many a city and county.
As for the
number 666, it is quite evident that the most revealing clue given by the
Bible, is its association with the economic structure during the short,
peaceful reign of Solomon.
“For when
they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”, Paul writes in his
first letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 4.
peaceful reign of Solomon may be what has inspired the warning that such a
peace may be deceitful, because destruction follows a peace meted out on false
For Solomon
economic stability, prosperity, was the ultimate goal of his governance, and it
is why he fostered amiable relations with all surrounding nations and empires,
through marriages and through commerce and through shared or ecumenical
religion – multiculturalism.
like modern day America, was a globalist and a multiculturalist, a pragmatist
and a diplomatic genius who immediately saw the great advantage of bilateral
and multilateral trade agreements rather than war.
But in
pursuing his noble goals of wealth without conquest and peace based on mutual
dependency Solomon betrayed the cultural legacy of the Hebrews, their religion
and their God, a deed for which he was punished and the Israeli empire, after
his death, torn apart.
If you
subtract the income from trade with foreign nations and the income from Arabian
vassal states, which is tributes, and from governors, which is taxes, the
number 666 gold talent must be the annual income from capital interest.
Money lending,
it is suggested, formed the foundation of Solomon’s reign. Solomon was a “sun
god” in the sense that he embodied the Apollonian virtues, and his reign was
the “golden age” of ancient Israel.
The Incredible Myth of Solomon’s Seal
In order
for a modern day Anti-Christ to position himself in the Temple of Jerusalem and
successfully convince mankind he is a leader anointed by God to rule all of
Earth, two requirements must be met:
First of
all, the Temple of Solomon has to exist. There is no such temple in Jerusalem
today. The Second Temple was torn down by Roman forces led by the would-be
emperor Titus in 70 AD and never rebuilt.
All that
remains is the Western wall, where Jews pilgrimage to pray.
efforts are being made by some rather powerful, opaque forces to open the way
for a reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple.
Christian eschatologists
believe the temple must be rebuilt in order for the prophesies of Revelation to
be fulfilled. Anti-Christ must take seat there and announce himself a god or
godlike, so Jesus can follow in turn, returning to Earth to destroy Anti-Christ
and his followers.
Freemasons, gathered together under the shadowy umbrella organization called
Illuminati, are themselves followers of a system unifying the entire spectrum
religious and esoteric traditions known to man, inspired by and resembling the
Agents of
Illuminati have succesfully penetrated the Christian churches, introducing a
set of cleverly crafted heresies, namely the liberation of the female preachers
in line and fuelled by modern day feminism, the Zionist agenda in violation
with the universality and Christ-centredness of the Gospel and “the gospel of
prosperity”, stating that piety and faith should manifest in worldly wealth.
of the Temple Mount is high on the Illuminati agenda, and Christianity has been
hijacked and sent forth as a force to ensure the total Zionist control of Jerusalem.
The very
project to resurrect Israel, calling in billions in aid throughout the past
centuries, is centred around Jerusalem and more accurately The Temple Mount and
even more accurately, a small spot of land beneath what is known as the Golden
Dome, a part of Solomon’s Temple revealed through modern day scanning
ancient construct has a hexagonal shape, and it is speculated that it
represents the Seal of Solomon, fabled in both Jewish, Islamic and Christian
tradition to be the source of what is called “dual reign” – the ability to command
both man, beast and beings of other dimensions, such as angels, demons and
Today the
area is governed by the Waqf, an Islamic authority regulating all activities
relating to the terrain relating to the Al Aqsa Mosque, the third most holy
mosque in Islam.
This makes
excavation virtually impossible. One could perceive the Al Aqsa Mosque as a
great seal covering what to the mystics in Illuminati is a source of ultimate
Solomon is
said to have used the seal not just to create peace, but to command spirit
beings to do hard labor, among other things aiding the construction of the temple.
beings who did not submit to the name of YHWH were banished, incarcerated in jars
or other containers and thrown in the sea or buried beneath the earth. This is
where we derive the story in Arabian Nights about Aladdin and the genie in the
lamp, among others.
Solomon’s Temple is the Seal of Solomon
However outrageous to the rational mind, such fables hold, whether through religious beliefs or through associated mystic traditions, a firm grip on the minds of many people, particularly those belonging to the royal bloodlines of Illuminati.
Israel is
the primary battlefield for what is seen as a great spiritual battle or race to
power, with the prize of godlike control of mind and matter going to whoever
can first apprehend and control Solomon’s Seal.
It is
evident from the many symbolic depictions of the Temple of Solomon in masonic
illustrations, as well as actual temples build by Mormons – the Mormon religion,
like Ku Klux Klan, a far strand of Freemasonry – that the Seal of Solomon,
rather than a small talisman to be worn, is actually the temple itself.
The global
dominion of Zionism, which is nearing its completion, is the resurfacing of the
Solomonic age with all the characteristics of it: Multiculturalism, free trade,
ecumenical religion, peace treaties and an occult source of power designed to
enslave all humans on Earth.
That is the
essential message of Revelation 13 and the subtle warning, a warning carrying
so much more weight as it is written by a Christian Jew to other believers rooted
in what was still a predominatly Hebrew tradition and world view.
No early
Christian familiarized with the ancient Hebrew texts of the Torah would be
unaware of the duplicity of the reign of Solomon.
They would
hardly all be aware of the more complicated matters of Kabbalah, and only the
Greek Jews or those with a classical education would be familiar with the
references to Greek mythology.
The only
type of “wisdom” the seer could reasonably expect all the early Christians was the
intertextuality with the Torah, understanding 666 as the dual reference to Adonikam
and Solomon.
The early
Christians were most often Jewish – the Christians recruited from pagan ranks
and referred to as "gentiles" were mostly naturalized Jews who had abandoned
circumcision and religious devotion to the rituals and the mitzvoh.
The New World Order is Global Zionism
harrowing discovery for the first readers of Revelation 13 was that of a grand
betrayal by a Jewish political figure. In order to succesfully occupy the
temple and, from this most sacred position, declare himself a god or “the son
of God” with political powers as a direct anti-thesis to Jesus, this person
would have to be, himself… a Jew.
For those
who have been devastated and horrified by the crimes committed by the Germans
and other collaborating nations of Europe in the first part of the 20th
Century, whether occupied or fascist, the discovery is no less startling.
is, for good reason, banned as a suitable expression in our day and age. Considering
the barbaric nature of the Endlösung people’s sentiments, their compassion for
the Jews, founded in shame and guilt about the miserable treatment Jews have
received throughout history, is not entirely misplaced.
such sentiments cannot and should not override the proper scholarly examination
of the Bible. Neither should it be allowed to be used to disguise the emerging evidence
of a new form of fascism rising from the ashes of Holocaust – global Zionist
control through a mix of cultural decadence, clandestine operations, world-wide
surveillance systems… and open violence and oppression.
At the
pinnacle of power in this world, side by side with the power of largely secular
governments and religious institutions, sit the international bankers who, like
Solomon in ancient times, base their wealth on the collection of interest
payments from loans.
In either
of these three thrones, the seat of politics and war, the seat of religion and
the seat of banking and commerce, the Illuminati are dysproportionally
represented, carrying out an ancient and rather intrasigent agenda to develop,
install and enforce a New World Order in which traditional morality is
overthrown and replaced with a mechanistic, materialistic and ultimately
cannibalistic ethos.
Much has
been written about the identity of Anti-Christ, including his ethnic origin and
his religious leaning.
Denial of
the fact that he must, by necessity, be Jewish, is naturally rampant in a day
and age where any criticism of Holocaust research or so-called Holocaust-denial
can land a European in prison, and where participating in embargos against
Israel is punishable for Americans.
The fact of
the matter is that if you follow the trail through the Bible, as it is
obviously intended by the author, the chapter in the Revelation relating to the
final Anti-Christ points to Anti-Christ not only being Jewish, but Zionist, and
the resurrection of modern day Israel the single most important of the “false
signs and wonders” performed in the face of mankind.
When all
this is revealed, the seer foresees, everybody, even the believers, will be
astonished. They will “marvel.” It’s time now to marvel, because everything
prophesied is in the process of coming to fruition.
The New World Order may be enforced by USA, but this profane order, at odds with all morality, whether religion or pagan, is deviced in Israel, in ancient times.