Sunday, February 26, 2012

7800 US Veterans are suing the CIA for implanting radio control devices in their brains

The alleged illegal mind control experiments took place at US Army Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland
7800 Veterans experimented on at US Army Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland with biologicals and nano implants

"A group of military veterans in California are suing the CIA over allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains."

The program relates back to MK Delta and MK Ultra, and it is tied to experiments on dolphins, where they animals were remote controlled with implants to deliver bombs to specified targets.

"It was not just one program back in the 60s and 70s. It involved Oxford, Harvard, Yale, more than just one university."

Monday, February 20, 2012

How CIA Kills Countries - documentary

John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," describes how the United States of America, through corporations and the CIA, wages economic wars against Third World countries in order to control their resources. Where economics fail, the CIA will come in creating dissent to overthrow a non-compliant government. Where that fails, assassination is employed. Only after all these options have failed will the U.S. military become involved.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Illuminati and The Great Tribulation

"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
~ William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming" (1919)
The current pattern of development in the world points toward a world government run by leading corporatists and political leaders elected through informal processes in secret societies like Bilderberg, rather than democratic processes.

Furthermore, the government is to be a secular, rationalistic and utilitarian government. Its perspective on global affairs will be highly colored by technocratic impulses, by the shadow government of plutocracy behind and by Zionism.

Zionism, by the beginning of the 21st century, proves to be the durable of the great ideologies. Fascism was defeated, and Communism defeated itself.
"If Americanism is the fourth great Western religion, Luciferianism is the fifth and Zionism the sixth."

Americanism as "The Fourth Great Western Religion"

Several other political ideologies have been identified as quasi-religious by nature. It is an often cited point that Americanism is the fourth of the "great Western religions."
"Gelernter argues that what we have come to call “Americanism” is in fact a secular version of Zionism. Not the Zionism of the ancient Hebrews, but that of the Puritan founders who saw themselves as the new children of Israel, creating a new Jerusalem in a new world." 
(Random House Inc.'s synopsis for Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion by David Gelernter)
America's own myth of origin and purpose, Manifest Destiny in its widest interpretation as a global culturally transformative force, that has made it so easy for actual Zionists to infiltrate American politics and society and engage USA in the project to subdue all opposition to the existence of the Jewish nation-state in Palestine.

As for America as a religious movement, Gerlernter clear identifies it as being atheist-globalist:
"If America is a religion, it is a religion without a god, and it is a global religion. People who believe in America live all over the world. Its adherents have included oppressed and freedom-loving peoples everywhere—from the patriots of the Greek and Hungarian revolutions to the martyred Chinese dissidents of Tiananmen Square."
The Bible as viral Jewish doctrine

The alignment of the two forms of aggressive-expansive nationalism, Americanism and Zionism, is further favored by the integration of Judaism in Western societies through the institutionalization of Christianity.

If you look at the names of Westerners, the majority of first names are Hebrew, a celebration of the Jewish origins of Christianity: The Bible is a Jewish book, including the New Testament. Every single book in the Bible is authored by a Jew.

The only contested book is the gospel of Luke, which is alleged to be written by the disciple Luke who accompanied Paul on some of his journeys, identified as a "beloved" Greek physician.

However, the converts to early Christianity identified as "gentiles" were, in the beginning, almost exclusively secularized Jews spread around the great Roman empire.

A significant controversy arises, when the first Jewish Christians who still adhered to the Mosaic Law demanded that new converts were circumsized and adhered to other of the mitzvoh, namely abstaining from "unclean foods" such as pork.

Paul publicly challenged the then leader of the church, the apostle Peter, 17 years after Paul's own conversion to Christianity. These demands would not have been placed on new converts, if they had not been ethnically Jews.
"Saul's name means "death" in Hebrew - associated with the word Sheol used to describe the realm of the dead or modern day Hell, the point being that Saul represented the best that Israel - and therefore mankind at the time - could produce in terms of character, but nevertheless was incapable of manifesting as anything but lethal to his people."

Given Luke's high status in the community and his intricate knowledge of the Jewish scriptures, he was most definitely a secularized Jew who converted to Christianity.

The Destruction of the Roman Foundation Myth

Christianity became more or less the official religion of the Roman empire after the Edict of Milan in 313.

In spite of the the cultural aversion to Judaism in the European Christian nations, cultural assimilation to Judaism  was inevitable for as much as Jesus was a Jew, his apostles Jews and nearly all scriptural references in the New Testament, apocrypha and associated theological treaties linked back to The Torah.

With this development Rome lost some of its cohesiveness due to the undermining of their foundation myth.

The English Historian, Edward Gibbons, lists several major reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and one significant factor is the spread of Christianity.

The Roman myth of origin cited ancestry to Troy, once defeated by guile and sacked by the Greek. Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome, were on the maternal side grandsons of Numitor, the rightful king of Alba Longa, a descendant of the Trojan prince Aeneas.
"While the Roman Cesars conspired against each other, within the same bloodline or against other bloodlines, the ancient Israeli kingdom largely thrived due to nearly unrelenting loyalty to the ruling king and to the bloodline... In terms of rationality the ancient Israeli system far outdoes the deranged, illogical and paranoid internal battles of the Roman despots."

Their father was said to be Mars, the god of war, who gave the promise for the civilization they founded: They would be ever victorious in warfare for as long as they remained vigilant for conquest.

Others factors for the decline of Rome mentioned by Gibbons were the loss of vigilance and, particularly, the loss of great generals with the outsourcing of the armed forces to barbarian mercenaries.

Christianity as a Relatively Civilizing Influence

Rome itself had conquered and marginalized the other cultures in its periphery, namely the Phoenician to which Hannibal's Carthage belonged and the Celtic and Etruscans, themselves engaged in long standing cultural wars.

The Celtic culture represented and does still represent one of the pinnacles of human achievement, snuffed out of memory by the efficiency of the Roman war machine and her ability to coopt cultural and technological innovations of the conquered tribes, incorporating them in the Roman system of governance.

Christianity can be seen as serving several cultural evolutionary purposes, namely installing thre main principles of the Judeo-Christian tradition:
  1. The sanctity of the office of governance and rule of law
  2. Puritan morality and family values
  3. Literacy and systematical theology

"Compared, however, to Roman sexual standards, which as we know were regrettable, Christianity may have had a relatively civilizing influence. We know that the Celts despised Romans for their sexual promiscuity, which caused hordes of illegitimate children to roam the streets of Roman cities. Likewise, we are familiar with the orgies, the rape of the Sabine women and other practices that have given ancient Rome a bad name for eternity."
1. The sanctity of the office of governance and rule of law

There is a quite remarkable difference between the formation of centralized power in the Judaic scriptures and in the historical accounts from ancient Rome, such as Plutarch, Sallust, Suetonius and Tacitus.

While the Roman Cesars conspired against each other, within the same bloodline or against other bloodlines, the ancient Israeli kingdom largely thrived due to nearly unrelenting loyalty to the ruling king and to the bloodline.

There are numerous examples in the Old Testament of wars between rivalling tribes and factions in Israel and a few of assasinations, namely Jehu's assassination of Jezebel, the Phoenician wife of the Hebrew King Ahab, reported to be a wicked royal couple bent on undermining the cultural values of Judaism in their own nation.

But overall, the ancient Israeli perception of the office of governance was that it was granted by God (Jahveh), who favored rulers from the tribe of Judah and the bloodline of David.

In a famous stand-off between the first king of Israel, King Saul, and David, David three times has the opportunity to end Saul's life, but refrains to do so out of respect for the prophetic anointing. It should be added that David himself had received a similar anointing by fragrant oil as King Saul and thus might reasonably perceive usurpery as a threat to the promises of his own eventual crowning.

In terms of rationality the ancient Israeli system far outdoes the deranged, illogical and paranoid internal battles of the Roman despots.

2. Puritan morality and family values

Puritanism later developed into a series of regrettable cultural practices. Sexual Puritanism first triggered absurd cults of flagellants and stylites attempting to purge the flesh of carnal desire by extreme means and later Calvinist doctrines such as "every sperm is sacred."

Sexual Puritanism also morphed into intellectual Puritanism, fostering the onslaught on "Judaizers", heretics, alchemists (wizards and witches) by the holy inquistions.

In the late or post-Christian era Puritanism re-emerged from the Holy Roman Empire or Heiliges Römisches Reich in the form of ethnic, cultural and genetic Puritanism, giving rise to Germanic anti-Semitism and eugenics.

Compared, however, to Roman sexual standards, which as we know were regrettable, Christianity may have had a relatively civilizing influence.

We know that the Celts despised Romans for their sexual promiscuity, which caused hordes of illegitimate children to roam the streets of Roman cities. Likewise, we are familiar with the orgies, the rape of the Sabine women and other practices that have given ancient Rome a bad name for eternity.

For centuries after Christianity's golden age in Rome began, Christian scholars combatted the heinous practices of the Roman Colosseum to which many an early Christian had fallen prey.

Gladiator shows in pagan rome would include rape-murder by wild beasts, as the condemned - usually in the opening stages of the blood sport - were satiated with feromones from female lions or bears, before male lions and bears were unleashed on them to the excitement of the plebs.

On the positive side Christian values may have served to curb the distribution of venereal diseases, block the disruption of nuclear family also common in our modern age, and thus halt social decadence and the breakdown of civil society.

"René Descartes, sometimes credited as the first of the great modern European philosophers, was a deeply religious thinker and inspired by theologians like Anselm og Augustin."

It may be this effect Jesus alludes to, when he calls the Jews who listened to his sermons and, by extention, later Christians, "the salt of the Earth." Salt has, as we know, a preserving effect on meat, preventing corruption and rot.

3. Literacy and systematical theology

This leads directly to another overlooked effect of Christianity in Rome, the rise of a cult of literacy and systematical theology, promoted by the monastery tradition.

While destructive to the classicist tradition of pursuit of academic knowledge known from Greece and Rome, the Christian monastery tradition fostered an industry of literacy designed to copy and distribute the Bible in latin and associated religious treatises.

The Dark Ages from 5th to 15th century was an effectively anti-intellectual era, blocking progress in the areas of medicine and science, but fostering beneath the surface the system of literacy that favored the 16th century Protestant reformation and the rise of systematical thinkers.

René Descartes, sometimes credited as the first of the great modern European philosophers, was a deeply religious thinker and inspired by theologians like Anselm og Augustin.

From Descartes's skepticism and principle of radical doubt the new era of enlightenment philosophy in Europe grew into an intellectual and political movement with the force to overthrow the rule of the clergy and the monarchy, introducting democracy, free thinking and scientific faculty.

It is in this sense Christians who claim democracy rose from Christian tradition have a faint point.

However, the democratic movement with its aversion to theocracy, monarchy and aristocracy, was in no manner a product of Christianity in no more than a Hegelian sense - one extreme gave rise to its opposite, and eventually fused into a synthesis, a secularized Protestant order in which the Bible is increasingly seen as a collection of moral fables to be only interpreted metaphorically.

Democracy is Not a Biblical Tradition

The Bible itself is not in favor of democracy.

The first democratic movement mentioned is that of the rebellious populist Korah, who allegedly incurred the wrath of God for rising up against Moses in the desert.

Aforementioned King Saul was actually democratically elected. He is described as well-educated, of good family and tall and imposing in his manners. Saul is later described as a reckless, mercurian and paranoid king, who is mainly known for failing in war and for persecuting his successor, David.

Saul's main sin is described as disrespect the office of the clergy, as he first tries to modify a divine order to put a ban on specific spoils of war and a little later takes upon himself to act out the duties of the prophet by lighting a burnt sacrifice in the absence of the prophet Samuel.

Saul's name means "death" in Hebrew - associated with the word Sheol used to describe the realm of the dead or modern day Hell, the point being that Saul represented the best that Israel - and therefore mankind at the time - could produce in terms of character, but nevertheless was incapable of manifesting as anything but lethal to his people.

This is a no little point, but the essence of Yahveh's view of humans. When Moses was told to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt to the Promised Land, Cana'an, Moses protested and said: I will only lead them, if you will walk in our midst. Yahveh declines, saying that He will not walk in the midst of the people, because they are "a stiff-necked" people (sometimes translated "vile"), and He might accidentally destroy them.
"The Luciferian hold on Hollywood and MTV represents one of the key agencies of the system of shadow government forming in this age, often dubbed Illuminati."
That's the extent to which the Bible ascribes humans a sinful nature. It has less to do with the variety of actual transgressions than an inborn rioutous and vicious tendency. So profoundly are humans immersed in sin (Gr. Hamartia, meaning "missing the mark") that Paul states that "even the righteous is barely saved, how much less the ungodly."

In the New Testament there is a direct reference to democracy in the church of Laodicea, chastised by the author of Revelations for its spiritual indolence. Laodicea means "the people rules".

The Dual Storyline of Saul in OT and NT

New Testament contains a mystical parallel to the King Saul of ancient Israel, Saul of Tarsus, later transformed into the Apostle Paul.

Saul was a Jewish rabbi, a Greek scholar and a Roman citizen, all in one. Saul was the student of one of the greatest teachers of Judaism in all of Israel's history, Gamaliel, already legendary by the time of Saul of Tarsus.

At the time Tarsus was a Greek city and thrifty commercial district in the now Turkish province of Mersin, located near the Adana. Saul was likely a Roman citizen by birth, due to the Roman principle of granting citizenship to members of conquered tribes who pledged loyalty to Rome and served for a period in its armed forces.

His father or grandfather might have acquired the privilege and passed it on to Saul whose dual citizenship of Israel and Rome was further enhanced by his schooling in Greek history and philosophy.

New Testament Saul, like the king of ancient Israel, was a genuine superhuman, the pinnacle of achievement - not only a skilled intellectual from a relatively wealthy background, but a patriot with such a standing in the Jewish community it was at his feet the Jews who stoned the first martyr, Stephen, placed their capes as a sign that their action was endorsed by a prominent member of the clergy.

"Upon the first detonation of a nuclear bomb on July 16, 1945 in the Trinity test in New Mexico, the eminent atomic physicist Robert Oppenheimer remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita, the ancient sacred Hindu text he had himself been involved in translating into English: "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

To really understand the power and reach of Saul of Tarsus, notice how at a single accusation of anti-establishment attitudes among the Christian or Messianic Jews of the age, Saul acquires a letter of endorsement from the public administration of Palestine to, in the name of the emperor of Rome, persecute, arrest, incarcerate and torture the followers of Christ.

On the road to Damascus, bent on uprooting yet another seedling Christian community, Saul is transformed into Paul through a mystical experience, knocked off his horse in high speed by a blinding light and instructed to seek help for his new visual impairment with the very Christians he persecuted.

"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me", Jesus asks Paul, echoing the words of David as he held up the part of King Saul's cape he had cut off in the cave, while the king was sleeping.

The Saul Archetype as an Exponent for Anti-Christ 

Persecution of the innocent is the major theme in both the Biblical stories revolving around a character named Saul.

In many ways they are similar personalities, favored from birth, physically imposing, men of action and great dedication to purpose, intellectuals having received the best schooling, holding high offices of power and vigilantly patriotic.

Yet, with the best use of their judgment and in spite of all their idealistic zeal, they become firmly positioned on a direct collision course with the purposes of God. They become, as the name suggests, Death.

This fate, to be transformed from a benign idealist to a destroyer, troubles also great men in modern days:

Upon the first detonation of a nuclear bomb on July 16, 1945 in the Trinity test in New Mexico, the eminent atomic physicist Robert Oppenheimer remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita, the ancient sacred Hindu text he had himself been involved in translating into English:
"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Krishna speaks these words as he reveals his divine, many-armed form to encourage Arjuna, the reluctant war-hero of Mahabharata. Mahabharate is the great Hindu epic of which Bhagavad Gita is featured as a couple of chapters in which Krishna stirs up Arjuna to engage in the inevitable battle between Kuravas and Pandavas.
"Herzl witnessed mass rallies in Paris with many chanting "Death to the Jews!" and, deeply disillusioned with the current policy of assimilation, Herzl began advocating the establishment of a sovereign Jewish nation-state."
To become Death, in the Biblical context, however, is a regrettable fate, and it is from the Western and semi-Christian perspective Robert Oppenheimer spoke.

The parallel storyline of the two Sauls of the Old and New Testament reveal to some extent the characteristics of Anti-Christ.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, the proverb says. The ultimate Anti-Christ, who appears just before the end of the current historical era, is an individual possessed by good intentions through which he is gradually transformed into a usurper, a dictator, a persecutor and an enemy to God.

Americanism, Luciferianism and Zionism

"It was the fierce, systematic and oftentimes ruthless response to these challenges and their effectiveness that eventually caused Zionism to become an oppressor, a global power-broker and a blueprint for a new horrific form of enslavement."

If Americanism is the fourth great Western religion, Luciferianism is the fifth and Zionism the sixth.

Luciferianism has gained enormous and largely undetected traction in modern society through the cultist Satanist influence in Hollywood and the music industry.

Already in the early 20th century Aleister Crowley made a huge impact on the then leading cultural circles of Europe and America, the intellectuals, artists and authors.

H.G. Wells references the Satanic Bible in his masterpiece, The Island of Dr. Moreau. Ernest Hemingway brags of his encounters with Crowley, "the most evil man alive", in his fake reminiscence from Paris, A Moveable Fiest. Crowley's influence can also be traced to H.P. Lovecraft and William S. Burroughs.

Crowley's influence extended even further through his disciple, Anton LaVey who held enormous sway over the minds in Hollywood. Numerous actors and movie producers were directly, through association with Church of Satan, or indirectly through inspiration, influenced by Satanist doctrines and beliefs.

Early movie stars like Rudolph Valentino (1895-1926), along with his wife Natasha, deliberatly sought possession with demonic entities, inspired by Satanism.

Film director Roman Polanski hired LaVey for his film version of Ira Levin's Devil-worshipers, Rosemary's baby, released in 1968. LaVey portrayed Satan and advised Polanski on Satanic ritual details.

The Beatles’ released Seargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 20 years after  Crowley’s death in 1947 with the title song featuring the lyrics, “It was twenty years ago today…”, and on the album cover Aleister Crowley is featured among the British pop band's personal heros.

The Luciferian hold on Hollywood and MTV represents one of the key agencies of the system of shadow government forming in this age, often dubbed Illuminati.

Luciferianism is a gateway to mind control, promising free sex, drugs and entertainment to the masses. It is hedonism as a reward, in return for compliance, tacit approval of the regulatory structure of the new secular-universalist order.

Zionism is the militant agency.

Zionism as a Response to Anti-Semitism

It is a strange and tragic twist of fate that has led a Jewish nationalist ideology to become the main factor in a new system of ultimate oppression.

Anti-Semitism is known all the way back from the Alexandrian riots in 38-41 CE, sometimes viewed as a a precursor to the Civil War of 115 CE, which concluded with the Roman destruction of the Jewish community.

Kevin B. MacDonald, professor of psychology at California State University, largely perceives anti-Semitism as a predictable and oftentimes desperate tribal response to what he calls a succesful "group evolutionary strategy" conducted by Jews.

It was in the wake of thousands of years of diaspora and pogromens the Jews finally came up with a formula for survival.

The Austro-Hungarian journalist, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), born Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl, was an Ashkenazi Jew who personally witnessed the persecution of a fellow Jew in the Parisian Dreyfus Affair (1894), where a French Jewish army captain was falsely convicted of spying for Germany.

Herzl witnessed mass rallies in Paris with many chanting "Death to the Jews!" and, deeply disillusioned with the current policy of assimilation, Herzl began advocating the establishment of a sovereign Jewish nation-state.

His book, The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat) was published in 1896.outlined what was then the Zionist objective - to simply have a sanctuary for Jews, a place where they could live and thrive, unthreatened by anti-Semitism.

Herzl's anxiety would prove to be well-founded. With the rise of fascism in Europe, Germany, then organized in the socalled Weimar Republic, fell back into imperalistic thinking, forming the Third Reich, not 100 years after the formal collapse of the Germanic Holy Roman empire, which was thought to be the second Roman Empire - hence the term Dritte Reich.
"The third "advantage" or goal is fait accompli. A highly sinister philosophy rooted in realpolitik is prevalent among the Zionist hardliners, stating that no country of people has an inherent "right to exist", at least no more than they are able to defend this right by military and political means."

Zionism as Vanguard for Global Universalism

Traditional anti-Semitism can be seen as a tribal response to the unquestionably dysproportionate influence of Jewish born minorities in the Anglo-Saxon cultural sphere, which here includes both Europe, America and Australia.

The opposition from the Anglo-American alliance is not to be mistaken for any particular level of Jew-friendliness from the powers of imperial Britain and its former colonies, The United States of America.

Anti-Semitism was prevalent in these societies as well. Allied involvement in the war was primarily a geostrategic matter. The well-known "white guilt" only rose after the full extent of Hitler's Endlösung had been revealed, following the end of World War 2 and the Nuremberg Processes.

Before the war notable American industrialist Henry Ford published a book about the Jewish problem, which he later recanted and apologized for.
"...the point is that deception and subtlety has become the primary mode of Zionist argumentation."

The Holocaust reminiscence "industry" marked a cultural victory for the Jewish communities all over the world, albeit a costly one, counting as many as 6 million "human sacrifices" required in order to get the Western cultures with their mixed strands of Roman-Hellenistic and Pagan-Christian influences to respect the inherent humanity of Jews.

From this point on Jews became increasingly revered for what they undoubtedly are, a cultural enrichment to practically every culture they visit and succesfully assimilate to.

With the improved cultural climate everything should be well, but a remnant, a seedling from a more destructive past had survived, and the Zionist vision faced a multitude of difficult challenges.

It was the fierce, systematic and oftentimes ruthless response to these challenges and their effectiveness that eventually caused Zionism to become an oppressor, a global power-broker and a blueprint for a new horrific form of enslavement.

The Three Great Challenges of Zionism

The Balfour Declaration demanded that Israel was founded as a democratic state that respected the rights of the indigenous Arab-Palestinian population.

The early Zionists and every state leader of Israel since its foundation in 1948 has acknowledged that Jews are the occupiers and Palestinians the rightful inhabitants, but with the sinister addendum that Zionist Jews have no choice but to remove Palestinians strategically, performing a delibrate ethnic cleansing in order to gain three major advantages:

The first is the democratic vote dominance, which is secured by making Israel a predominantly Jewish nation-state with the particularist legislation known as Law of Return. The right to return for any Jew and, subsequently, housing and employment and other social rights, has tilted the balance of the population in favor of Jewish parliamentary control.

This, along with the wars, the dispossession of Palestinians and mass migrations of Palestinian refugees to countries all over the world, has secured Jewish dominance in line with the Zionist goal.

The other advantage required for the Zionist project is known as "border integrity", the very theoretical and abstract ability to defend the yet undefined borders of the Israeli nation-state.

The systematic and gradual carving up of Palestinian land, strategic housing and dispossession, settlements and campaigns, are ultimately all directed at the same goal: To separate the Jewish Israeli from the Palestinian population and, of course, to the disadvantage of the Palestinians.

"The socialist and secular nature of Israel is the first glaring contraction to the ultra-right ideology of the Evangelical preachers. The second is that Israel is not just a secularist society, but a rampantly hedonist one, with Tel Aviv and other locations publicly promoted as a haven for gay tourism."

The third "advantage" or goal is fait accompli. A highly sinister philosophy rooted in realpolitik is prevalent among the Zionist hardliners, stating that no country of people has an inherent "right to exist", at least no more than they are able to defend this right by military and political means.

For the Zionist the goal must be to reduce the Palestinians to a "defeated tribe" on par with the Native American tribes, a point from which there is no return. An important factor in this is rewriting history or spinning facts, namely the claim that "there has never been a Palestinian nation" or even "there is no Palestinian people."

The Diffusion of History and Lawyering of Facts

In the Zionist objective the lack of a Palestinian nation-state when Jewish settlers began purchasing land in the territory justifies their gradual removal in favor of a Jewish nation-state, which flourishes on the basis of support from Jewish and Christian Zionists all over the world.

The Palestinians are, by extention, not a people. They are considered Arabs, nomadic people or an unsuccesfully seditary tribe, who happened to occupy Turkish owned land under the British mandate as things turned out in the contest between the two empires, the British and the Ottoman.

It is from this campaign, a diplomatic and intellectual effort to justify the Israeli conduct and to diffuse counter-arguments from Palestinians, Arabs and supporters of Palestine all around the world, the new and insidious type of Zionism arises.
"Tragically, Israel has become the corner stone of geopolitical events of our age, the only absolute and immovable entity to which all other interests must submit themselves, including even the preservation of United States as a superpower."
The renunciation of academic integrity leads directly to an escalating series of deceptions and subversive maneuvres that increasingly involves not just Jewish and Christian Zionists, but every Jew and every Christian and scores of people who do not associate themselves as such, including humanists, atheists, gay right activists, feminists and everyone else who have a vested interest in the modern day universalist agenda.

It began with the "Holocaust industry", as the Jewish American professor of political science, Norman Finkelstein has dubbed it, criticizing Israel and Zionism for utilizing Holocaust reminiscence on a cynical instrumental level to justify what is essentially a very similar form of oppression to the one experienced by Jews in Germany, allied countries like Spain and Italy, and later occupied countries like Poland, France, Neitherlands, Denmark and Norway.

It may not be on the same level, and there may exist a radicalized Palestinian counter-movement with at least some level of support from other Arab and North African countries due to the religious community spirit in the Ummah or ethnic relationship as Arabs.

However, the point is that deception and subtlety has become the primary mode of Zionist argumentation.

Zionist Infiltration of Christianity

The Christian churches, particularly the strong Evangelical-Lutheran communities in USA and Europe, have been enrolled in the Zionist scheme.

Evangelical churches are mislead by ruthless preachers with strong ties to Zionist funders, to the secret intelligence communities and top ranking leaders of freemasonry and Zionism, such as Billy Graham, John Hagee and Pat Robertson.

Christians are confounded by this new heresy to the point of arguing that modern day Israel is a sign from God, a fulfilment of ancient Biblical prophesies, and that those who assist the Zionist project achieves some form of blessing or beatification, even in financial terms, while those who criticize Israel, it's policies and its Zionist agenda, invoke a curse.

Biblically speaking, how much of this can be said to be true?

First of all, Herzl was a secularist Jewish philosopher, an atheist and a socialist, and modern day Israel was founded as a socialist state with numerous kibbutzim, collective communities with shared work load, shared responsibility and shared ressources.

The socialist and secular nature of Israel is the first glaring contraction to the ultra-right ideology of the Evangelical preachers. The second is that Israel is not just a secularist society, but a rampantly hedonist one, with Tel Aviv and other locations publicly promoted as a haven for gay tourism.

This is of course from the Zionist government an attempt to appeal to the powerful LGBT-activist communities in the West and budding sexual emancipation movements around the world, but it certainly does not fit in with the picture of a God-sanctioned holy nation or a resurrection of ancient Israel - originally a theocratic nation-state, where homosexuality was punishable by death.
"Zionism automatically leads to racism, to the exclusion of the people who oppose Israel, because her vision is to their disadvantage."
The false preachers of modern day Evangelism have no quibble supporting a hedonist Israel, claiming it to be forged by the hand of God, while at the same time clubbing homosexuals at home.

The False Claim of A Blessing

If indeed sanctioned by Yahveh, the God the Bible, modern day Israel must be under the same rule of blessing and curse as outlined in Deuteronomy 28.

And since the conduct of Israeli settlers, IDF and many of the Jewish citizens of Israel fall regrettably below not just the strict Law of Moses but also the common morality of Christianity, academic integrity from the Bible scholars require them to add, at least, that Israel in its current state must bringing upon it the multitude of plagues threatened by God on people who transgress against his statutes.

USA has, for the past half a century, poured billions into Israel to stoke up its defenses and build social and political infrastructure, advised to do so by AIPAC and other Zionist lobby organizations, as well as numerous unofficial representatives of Zionism, assimilated Jews with an express Zionist agenda, deep contacts with officials and agents of the Israeli regime, and no such integrity as to openly expose the duplicity of their purposes.

Just like Christianity has become hijacked by Zionism and now serves as an instrument of Tel Aviv-centered geopolitics, the US foreign and national policy are increasingly dictated by Zionism, either directly through edicts passed on between the two administrations through lobbyists and couriers, or indirectly due to the dynamics fostered by the US involvement in establishing, maintaining and securing the Israeli nation-state.
"Anti-Christ must, by necessity, represent the ultimate force on Earth. He is able to ensnare all, even 'the elect', which in the Book of Revelations means the Christians."

Tragically, Israel has become the corner stone of geopolitical events of our age, the only absolute and immovable entity to which all other interests must submit themselves, including even the preservation of United States as a superpower.

Amazingly, the Washington administration has decided for a course of foreign policy that involves waging war on two continents, Africa and Asia, in order to control and contain all forces opposing Israel.

The Fusion of Zionism and Americanism

Americanism is waning. It is fading as a global religion with extreme levels of anti-Americanism rising all over the world, even in USA.

Inside America the anti-Americanism is a patriotic movement. It is not anti-America, but anti-Americanism, opposing the idea that America automatically pursues its best interest by focusing on geopolitical strategy games and neglecting the American homeland.

It is, however, treated as anti-American atittudes, as subversive and seditions expressions of anti-nationalism.

In reality it is an intuitive protest against Zionism and its relentless hold on Washington policy makers and legislators.

With the scope, size and power of Zionism largely unrealized in this day and age, and with the systematic muddling of criticism of Zionism by Zionist agents who dub it "anti-Semitism" to make it seem racist and tied to neo-fascist movements, it is virtually impossible to roll back the process initiated with what was originally just a desperate attempt to turn the tide in favor of Israel.

What is remarkable about this development is that it is triggered by blind subscription to Zionist policy makers like the Straussian neocons or the Jewish American intellectual, Samuel Huntington, b ut it has become embedded in both Americanism and in Christianity to the point, where the two can no longer be separated.

If you support universalism, you support Americanism, and if you support Americanism, you support Zionism, and if you support Zionism, you support universalism.
"Anti-Christ could show up, and he would be hailed as a redeemer..."
Everything will be better, because gays are treated better in Israel than in any Islamic state, and the only reason Israel exceeds her Arab neighbours in human rights abuses is that the Palestinians won't stop fighting back against the planned ethnic cleansing.

When you fight the ethnic cleansing, you escalate towards genocide.

"We can never forgive you that you make us kill your children", Gold Meir stated in typical hipocritical form.

The Irony of the Origin of Anti-Christ

The religious movement to emerge as the perennial philosophy and political paradigm of the 21st century is a seemingly benign humanism with strong genocidal impulses, controlling half the world's military budget, a string of the most powerful corporations and corporate leaders in the world, enrolling virtually all top ranking politicans except Iran's Ahmadinejad.

It is also a culture that harnesses the power of a scientific and technological revolution so vast and invasive it threatens to reduce all modern societies to prisons, the fabled Panoptical System in which everything and everyone is under constant surveillance.

The invasiveness not only extends to privacy, but to the sanctity of the body.

53 million foetuses have already been wiped out in USA since abortion was made legal, and if there is any truth to the claim that these represents lives, and that the blood of the innocent cries to heaven for revenge, and that those who spill the blood must have their blood spilled according to God's law - then 53 million Americans or more than 20 percent of the country's population will die over the next seven generations or approximately 100 years from now.

The fate of the unborn is a harbinger of the fate of the living - the individual reduced to a cog in a machinery, disposable, merely a digit in a statistic or a minimal quantum in a maximal quantum... drops in the sea.
"Against the vicious, directed and calculated onslaught on the human mind, the solitary soul - not even a soul reinforced by the Holy Ghost - has no viable defense."

From these drops stem cells, DNA, hybrid forms of life, new types of medical treatment and a variety of obscene forms of structural cannibalism can and will arise, because...
"If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them." (Genesis 11:6)
Only Westernism Can Win

In all fairness, either of the great empires of the past and either of the big ideologies of modern day history could have made it to the end point of cultural and technological development we are approaching.

Fascism could have become responsible for the final onslaught on faith known as The Great Tribulation. So could Communism or, for that matter, Islam.

The great irony is that the power of Islam is faltering, Communism has already failed and fascism was defeated in an epic battle involving Western forces on one front and The Soviet Union attacking from the East.

To the victor goes the spoil. The great oppressor, who enslaves all people, forcing them to take a mark on their forehead or their right hand - to adopt specific thoughts and actions associated with the dominant paradigm - cannot rise from "defeated tribes" or "obsolete ideologies."

Anti-Christ must, by necessity, represent the ultimate force on Earth. He is able to ensnare all, even "the elect", which in the Book of Revelations means the Christians.

As we have seen, this process has already begun, with the majority of Christians no longer focusing on the virtues of Christ, but accepting a politicized gospel that recruits them for their votes, seduce them to support unjust wars and embroils them in Zionism to the eradication of the vision of "people of all tribes, peoples and nations" worshipping before the throne of God.

Zionism automatically leads to racism, to the exclusion of the people who oppose Israel, because her vision is to their disadvantage.
"The Apostasy is the current age, where humans have the outward appearance of godliness, but display none of the fruits of the spirit when tested."
No cry is heard for the Palestinian Christians who are dispossesed, and as for the gospel to the Arab, Turkish and Persian regions of the world, the only zeal shown is on surface, for the egotistical safety of the nominal Christians, a practical measure to de-Islamize the societies that pose a threat.

And embedded in Westernism, along with false Christianity, the materialistic and geopolitical ideology of the whore, is now Zionism and Luciferianism, all increasingly beholden to the super-administration of global Illuminati.

Anti-Christ Could Come Today

In such a hipocritical environment, with Christians leaders associating with secret intelligence and politicians in pagan and Masonic lodges, swearing allegience to a Kabbalah-inspired cult like Illuminati and promoting heresies of such a Satanic nature, surely the coming of Anti-Christ must be imminent.

The Bible outlines a cult of personality so intense people will actually be convinced the perpetrator is a devout Christian and a representative of God, taking the place of Jesus as intermediary.

The power of the mass media, news and entertainment, fashion and sophisticated punditry is so pervasive today that Anti-Christ could show up, and he would be hailed as a redeemer, the solution to the aggreate problems of mankind that forms the greatest crisis in our history.

He will promise to release us from ourselves.

The foundation has already been laid.

The problems are all actual enough: Rampant pollution, ecological breakdown, overextention of ressources, the unsustainability of fossile fuels, economic crisis, fracturing of societies into violent factions, the threat of global thermonuclear war - these are all real problems, and the thirst for world peace, for human rights, for democracy and liberty and universal brotherhood are all genuine expressions of the deepest human sentiments and our highest aspirations.
"The popular science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick, sometimes dubbed "the American Dostoyevski" for his handling of heavy religious and philosophical topics, believed that the Roman Empire had never ended, but merely morphed through a series of empires into modern day culture."
Unfortunately, as described in divine parable with the examples of King Saul and Saul of Tarsis, the best mankind can produce, when granted absolute power, can only ever amount to Death.

That is why this golden age must, be necessity, become transformed into a force of persecution and destruction.

So alluring is the goal of world peace, of all nations united and all religions embracing the same core doctrines, humans are willing to walk down the road to Hell, and they will.

Tribulation Will be Short, Intense and Impossible to Resist

Never in history have man possessed so sophisticated an arsenal of instruments of oppression and mayhem as today.

The Bible says that if God did not shorten those days none would be saved, not one.

George Orwell, in his legendary 1984, explains and describes how any soul can be coerced into compliance to even the most inhuman system, through a mixture of force and bribery.

Against the vicious, directed and calculated onslaught on the human mind, the solitary soul - not even a soul reinforced by the Holy Ghost - has no viable defense.

Every human being will falter. Survival strategies, underground bunkers, permaculture, spiritual austerity - none of these methods can be useful, when the collective force of society comes crashing down on the individual, deeming the very existence of a free will a potential source of dissidence and thus a threat to the new world order.

The only hope given in this condition is a shortening of the days, similar to the way King Saul was defeated in battle and fell on his own sword, or Saul of Tarsus was knocked off his horse on the way to Damascus.

Had it not been for special intervention, surely King Saul would have wiped out David and all of his seed. Saul of Tarsis would have destroyed the baby in its womb, preventing Christianity as a universal religion from ever coming into being.
"The current "homelessness" of the genuine Christian is the most conspicious sign of the horrific events about to unfold."
Another hint to the fate of Anti-Christ is that of Ahab, who is powerless when Jezebel is thrown out the window by loyalists to the prophetic regime of ancient Israel.

Jehu, a fierce and rugged commander known for driving his chariot like a mad man, publicly renounces his faith when a young prophet comes to bring him the message of the conspiracy against Ahab.

"What did he tell you?" the other officers inquire.

"You know the prophet. He's a madman", Jehu replied. However, he did race his horses straight to Ahab's castle and upon seeing Jezebel in the window, surrounded by her court, he declared: "Who will side with God and throw her down?"

Leaving the Politicized Church is the Only Option

Like David or Hamlet in Shakespeare's 17th century play, conceit and pretense becomes the only viable option in a system ruled by murderers empowered by the general hipocrisy of sycophants of all ranks.

Jezebel represents the false system of institutionalized religion, also known as the Great Whore in the Apocalypse, drunk with blood and defiled by all the nations. It is political whoredom the harlot is condemned for, not sexual sin as such.

She serves worldly power, and its as an instrument of materialism and of war, she becomes a prostitute in the spiritual sense, abandoning what was her spiritual invocation, to serve God as his bride.

The emergence of the harlot is associated with the period called The Apostasy, prophesied by Jesus directly, in the flesh, to his trusted disciples.

The Apostasy is the current age, where humans have the outward appearance of godliness, but display none of the fruits of the spirit when tested.

The popular science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick, sometimes dubbed "the American Dostoyevski" for his handling of heavy religious and philosophical topics, believed that the Roman Empire had never ended, but merely morphed through a series of empires into modern day culture.

Furthermore, he concluded that true Christianity had only ever existed underground, in hiding.

In Revelation a call goes out from an angel to leave the whore of Babylon, to abandon this metaphorical kingdom. This call has already gone and out, and it is echoing through the Western hemisphere with still greater intensity.
"It is political whoredom the harlot is condemned for, not sexual sin as such."

In ancient Rome abandoning the safe houses, where the faithful gathered to pray and to take the sacrament together, was the early sign of a wave of persecution.

The current "homelessness" of the genuine Christian is the most conspicious sign of the horrific events about to unfold. Any human being of integrity will, from this point on, be confined to communicate in veiled terms, mystically, through symbols and riddles rather than plain language, and to hide in the catacombs of metaphor and fable.

Post-Script: You Have No Choice But Conceit

Virtually everything I have written in this article is explosively controversial, whether it is the skepticism expressed in the Bible about democracy, the emergence of a new mercantile class of rulers subscribing to Zionism, or it is the fate of the West - the great civilizing influence of the world - to pay for her multitude of genocides and materialistic crimes by becoming, by the end, the empire of Anti-Christ and the embodiment of oppression.

This is not an ideological message, but a message for the individual, for anybody who stumbles upon it and is capable of comprehending the implications. I can understand if you do not share it widely, make references to it or set out to change your course in life according to it. It represents the truth so seldom heard, you cannot reproduce it in speech or print without invoking sudden social sanction and ostracization.

"Who listens to these madmen anyway? Illuminati, the New World Order? You must be kidding me. Why would I bother wasting time on that?"

Monday, February 6, 2012

Madonna, Super Bowl and the Nation Building of Illuminati

Madonna's Ishtar/Baphomet inspired performance at the American Super Bowl has raised a furore, but few have been able to make any coherent comments about what the overt expression of typical Illuminati symbolism and rituals in this highly mediated sports event really means.

Is it merely a case of grandstanding the hedonism, paganism and occultism (Kabbalah) Madonna is already famous for, or "slutting out" traditional Judeo-Christian values, as Mark Dice interprets it?

“The Superbowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to be very impactful”, Madonna stated according to Vigilant Citizen.

Vigilant Citizen interprets it as "a massive Illuminati ritual, one that was witnessed by billions of viewers" and Madonna herself as "the High Priestess of the Illuminati industry."

The New Illuminati Capital in the Heart of Pipelineistan

The event coincides with RBN breaking new footage from the alleged new capital of Illuminati, Astana in Khazakhstan.

According to RBN the capital of Kazakhstan, one of the noveau rich countries of Pepe Escobar's fabled "Pipelinestan" - the central region to NATO'S battle for oil ressources in the Middle East - has become the capital of Illuminati and a centre for neo-paganist worship.

The twin pillars of Masonry, Boaz and Jachin, representing the male and female principle. The pillars originally formed the entrance to the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. 

Even more astonishing than Madonna's Super Bowl performance, but far less noticed by mainstream media and Illuminati bloggers, is the fact that virtually all the landmark constructions of Astana are shaped to match the most common symbols of international freemasonry:

You have the two pillars of Masonry, representing the male and female principle from which the third pillar is derived, symbolizing the Perfect Man. The pillars originally formed the entrance to the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

You have the pyramid, a structure derived from the rays of light falling from the sun, with a pattern of 25 pyramids inside it, dedicated to "the renunciation of violence" and "to bring together the world's religions" - an ecumenical project that today involves Catholicism and Islam and is promoted by one of the most influential Evangelical Lutheran preachers of all times, 33rd degree Mason Billy Graham.

The Pyramid probably needs no introduction. It represents divinity through labor and technology. The Pyramid of Kufu was believed to be a rocket launcher for the soul of the Pharao, who would journey to the Dog Star, where the gods lived, and bring with him all hard-working and faithful Egyptians who believed in his name. 

The neo-paganist architecture is designed by Lord Norman Forster, who claims the building has no recognizable religious symbols. Norman Robert Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank, received the 1999 Pritzker Prize in honor of designing Washington, D.C.’s Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium.

Baron Foster has designed numerous landmarks around the world, including

  • The 30 St Mary Axe, Swiss Res headquarter in London 
  • London City Hall, London
  • Reichstag, Berlin
  • Millennium Bridge, London
  • Commerzbank-Tower, Frankfurt
  • Bilbao Metro, Bilbao
  • Hearst Tower, New York
  • HSBC Centre, Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong International Airport (lufthavn)
  • The Elephant House, Copenhagen Zoo
Politics and Entertainment in the Age of Nation Building

The concept of "nation building" is ominously tied to the latest Neocon Era (2000-2008) with the failed invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan as the most notable examples of force-democratization of nations in the Middle East tied to US strategic and financial interests.

The ominous mix of politics and entertainment, which has led to criticism of Lady Gaga for her US State Department sponsored Russia tour, is slowly emerging as a pattern as a new Illuminati blueprint for societal engineering.

“My persuasion can build a Nation”, sings Beyonce, another mega-star of pop music who has been tied to Illuminati through numerous performances, publications, poses and photo ops featuring signs from the two main strands of Illuminati paraphernalia - the Masonic archive and the archive relating to Monarch.

Monarch is a system of individual mind control and mass manipulation alike, developed on the basis of ultra-invasive, illegal and inhumane CIA experiments from about 1943 to current day.

The vast distrubution of Masonic symbolism, accelerating since the golden age of music video production in the 1980s, suggests close links between classical Masonic ritual and symbolism and the public excercise of Monarch mass control.

It is possible that Masonic symbols, involving among other things The Joker (tarot card figure allegedly used to trigger MK Delta assassin Hinckley), also play a role in the "trigger sequences" - combinations of letters, ciphers and symbols that unleash a program package installed in the "human wetware", the brain of a Monarch victim.

Whatever the actual effect of public Masonic rituals, and Illuminati symbolism in music and movies, the fact remains that this represents a vastly different policy than outlined in the traditional guidelines for Freemasonry in the early 20th Century.

These outline good character and secrecy, forbidding not only such things as racy conduct or sexual transgressions, but also the use of Masonic symbols for profit or marketing, including as company logos or corporate ornament.

Illuminism - The Most Elusive of Cult Movements

The actual number of Freemasons has been dwindling for the past decade, but significant gains have been made in the key agencies of government, business and secret intelligence, along with the traditionally strong grip on law enforcement (through police fraternities) and academia (other fraternities, namely Skull and Crossbones, a major CIA recruitment base).

The conglomeration of the music and movie industry in Big Five and Big Six represents an almost total strangehold of the primary sources of Western cultural produce, and for the past decades the number of Monarch devices published by Hollywood and the percentage of top selling artists expressing overt Illuminati relations have been explosive.

The new "public era" of Illuminati represents a move away from Masonic lodges as the central principle of organization for Illuminati.

When the secret society was formally abolished by the March 2, 1785 edict known as Karl Theodor's Secular Edict, the founder, Adam Weishaupt had to flee, but Illuminati had already reorganized to some degree, a process that began already in 1780, when the Lower Saxon noble Adolph Freiherr Knigge, joined the Illuminati.

In 1782 Knigge structured Illuminati like existing Freemason lodges. Leadership of the order was given to a so-called Areopagus, from Areios Pagos (Ancient Greek: Ἄρειος Πάγος), meaning the "Rock of Ares". In classical times it was the name of an area north-west of the Acropolis, which functioned as the high Court of Appeal for criminal and civil cases in Athens.

The restructured Illuminati recruited numerous Freemasons and infiltrate entire lodges, claiming succession from the surviving remnants of another persecuted order, Knights Templar.

Since the formal collapse of the increasingly complex and divided leadership of Illuminati, strands of the movement, through the more or less coordinated actions of ranking individual members, made astounding impact on society, infiltrating not only lodges and effectively bringing all Masonic orders into one hierarchical system, but taking seats in the key agencies of secular and religious power.

This strategy would prove far more efficient than structured organization, allowing Illuminism to penetrate deep into virtually every sector of society, leaving its traces in politics and legislation, in urban planning and architecture, in business and banking and in a widespread and virtually unavoidable system of Western fraternities.

The Signs of Illuminati Are Everywhere, but Where Are They?

Everything gradually submitted to the Illuminist system, as if God had favored their undertakings.

Today find the symbols of Illuminati in the structure of Washington DC, on the dollar bill, in the architecture of most major cities in Europe and America, in the logos of major Evangelical preachers and on their books and DVDs, in every glossy fashion magazine, in numerous Hollywood films and in half of all the most commercially successful music products promoted by MTV.

Left: Pieter Bruegel the Elder's depiction of The Tower of Babel. Right: The EU Parliament in Strasbourg, designed by Architecture-Studio, a French Architect's office created in 1973 in Paris. The architects claim they were inspired by "classical amphitheatres." Architecture-Studio also designed the Arab World Institute in Paris.

Illuminati is coming out of the closet, guns blazing, signalling ability and readiness - ability to break down and reconstruct entire nations and cultures and social structures, and readiness to be known as the prime architects of the fabled New World Order.

George W. Bush, along with other notable politicians of the era, spoke openly of the need for and emergence of a New World Order, a controversial message that may have simply been another way of testing the waters.

So far no official representative of Illuminati has spoken out, admitting the role of the secretive order in the governing of society and production of the major political and cultural events of our age.

Madonna's Ishtar-Baphomet performance is so far the culmination, the pinnacle of Western celebrity endorsement of Illuminism, trumphing previous displays by other pop stars.

Again, the response has been befuddlement and outbursts of disapproval, linking somehow the elusive Illuminati with the "1% elite" that through 2011's worldwide mass protests and the OWS movement has been made responsible for the 2008 financial catastrophe and the following recession.

In other words, it may not be time for Illuminati to come out. The new "capital", Astana, is conveniently located in a faraway region with difficult names ending in "stan", a country best known to Westerners for its production of "superior potassium" as alleged by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen in Borat.

How Is It Going, Illuminati?

Realistically speaking, neither the nation-building nor the PR war is going very well.

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, last year repeated lamentations from the Bush administration that "we are losing the PR war", ascribing blame to particularly RT, the Russian television station who has made big waves by openly criticizing the Washington administration and publicizing controversial news about the growing US income gap and escalating poverty crisis.

The billion dollar cost of pre-emptive warfare and nation bulding has taken its toll on the US finances, another hole in the budge the citizenry are asked to pay for over their taxes and with the shutting down of public institutions.

As for nation-building in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, the results are equally regrettable, the countries failing to deliver any convincing level of democracy or, what is more important for the foreign investors, predictability and accountability.

Opium trade is the chief industry of Afghanistan, CIA is actively involved in drug trafficking and NATO is forced to negiate terms of withdrawal from the country often dubbed "The Great Empire Killer" or "The Bear Trap" of international politics.

Similarly, Iraq is teetering on breakdown, and Libya is no more at peace than during the worst rounds of violence under Gadaffi's rule.

Can the persuasion of Beyonce and her Illuminati sisters, the new hyper-idealistic feminist universalism of the West, really "build a nation"?

Or is it just feminism and universalism employed for nefarious means by a cabal of globalist policy makers, who have no scruples tearing down entire countries to pave the way for a world order that essentially only benefits a dwindling elite, less than the 1% in question?

Seductive Illusions Vs. Rugged Realism

Half of Americans are on prescription drugs, about one in 30 is under correctional supervision, and the number of US inmates dwarf all others, even the most repressive states in the world.

In Europe the Eurozone is bordering on collapse and the union struggling to maintain cohesiveness and direction and uniformity of purpose.

Scandals with far-reaching implications have emerged, shaking the foundation of the corporatocracy that is, in essence, the key platform for Illuminati's shadowy power-brokering - from BP's inaccountability in oil spills over Monsanto's disastrous self-destruction GMO seed to Blackwater-Monsanto's deep infiltration of US federal administration and international diplomacy

The public animosity against the societal engineers of Illuminati, the grey emincences of business and banking, could not possibly be greater than at this point, where TSA harrassment, drone surveillance, warrantless wiretapping and coordinated clamp-downs on peaceful protests have sowed serious doubt about the commitment to the enlightenment ideals of democracy and human rights.

On top of it comes foreclosures and homeless, criminalization of poverty, union busting, the prison-industrial complex and every other corporatist initiative to steadily undermine the financial security of the American middle class.

The alleged feminism of the new Illuminism is as dubious as its commitment to universalism. Just like the wars for peace produce not democracy but tyranny, torture and obscene situations of rape, humiliation and desecration, the Illuminati blueprint has not led to actual emancipation or equality for women, but rather a resurge in anti-feminist sentiments, with legislation against abortion and cuts on planned parenthood programs.

On the race parameter the level of animosity between the great tribes of the multicultural Babylon is disturbingly close to societal breakdown, with African-American seven times more likely to be arrested and convicted of a crime than a fellow Caucasian-American, and race motivated violence increasing for all races.

Violence itself, along with breakdown of conventional family structure, also seems tied to the Illuminati blueprint. Guns in schools, hazing in fraternities and sororities, happy-slapping on the Internet - even the youngest are falling prey to the mysterious rampage that plagues modern society.

If a Little Illuminati is Very Bad, What When All Is One?

The effects of even relatively small doses of Illuminism seems to be abject defeat and total chaos. There is a long way from the majestic architecture of Astana, Khazakhstan, to the impoverished farmer in India committing suicide because his entire GMO crop was wiped out in a season, and debt sharks are now threatening the lives of his family.

There is enormous distance of power from the "eye in the pyramid" to the American worker who has struggled to stay afloat for decades, leaving many of the best hours of his life inside the crude concrete walls of a factory, only for find himself fired due to globalization of the company and spiralling downwards to an uncertain fate as homelessness statistic, trailer park trash or inmate in the prison-industrial complex.

What people who are wary of the structural cannibalism embedded in the societal order creeping up on us - the dangers of genetically modified organisms, of universally accepted surveillance and of biochemical engineering of entire populaces - should ask themselves is this:

If this is how bad we can fare, when Illuminati is still a conspiracy theory and the New World Order is still new, how will it feel, and what is it going to do to us, when the order is older and more sinister, and Illuminists are ready to come out and display the hidden hand of power?

This, to me, is the essence of Illuminati-criticism. It may have originally been a movement that opposed religious fundamentalism and dogmatism, but maybe promoting promiscuity to combat Puritanism is not such a great idea?

Maybe universalism can develop into a new form of dogmatism, a perverted and qausi-religious obsession with a median no human can ever truly represent or be represented by?

In all of it, as a rule of thumb: Secrecy in government is always bad.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No power can be greater than the power that is absolutely secret.

A Rationalistic Explanation for Overt Illuminati Symbols

I came across this blog post that attempts to explain the many Illuminati symbols shown openly or hidden subliminally in music videos, music acts, fashion photos and feature films today as some sort of spontanous cult of Lucifer directed at Christian fundamentalism and mostly, if I understand the blogger correctly, sort of a "joke" or a "middle finger" to the establishment.

That is supposedly why Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Madonna, you name it, and long before that a band like for instance Living Color perform on chess board floors, showing off pyramids with the Eye of Horus and lots and lots of Satan signs, Monarch mind control references, etc.

Left: Madonna in Ishtar costume with Baphomet headgear. Right: Baphomet, the depiction of the demonic entity worshipped as god in Masonry.

While I do not agree with the blogger on The Mystic Returns, I have to admit his or her theory is compelling and conducted in a reasonably intelligent and coherent way, much more than many "Illuminati debunkers" and with some serious thought to the issue.

I recommend that you read it, even if I think it could be a psy-op to sow doubt about the veracity of blogs, videos and literature exposing Illuminati as the main power-brokers of the times we live in.

At best, The Mystic Returns, for all its "deep insights" (very astrology based, paganist and "mysterious"), lacks some very basic information not only about the history of Illuminati and Freemasonry, but about the actual, very well documented power structure of the world, such as secret societies like Skull & Crossbones, the rituals in Bohemian Grove and the Bilderberg society.

Still, I don't think we can rule out that some expressions of Illuminati-support and use of symbols have become a matter of fashion, where more or less gullible artists duplicate the signs and gestures of more popular icons of the entertainment industry.

If true, it does muddle the picture some, but it may even be a desired effect from the Illuminati overlords. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Mason, inventor of Ku Klux Klan and responsible for a tremendous surge of power and coordination within the Masonic societies used to advise freemasons to adopt a PR strategy of confusion, "Baffle them with beewax."

Read it, judge for yourself.